Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Beautifully Undeclared

When we negate ourselves, we profane a line from God's book.
When we cross out our own mysticism or raise it up, we deceive ourselves and others of our true value.

We are no more and no less than poetry.
Or, truer still, lines from an even greater poem.

Though the unveiling of the meaning (our purpose) is not  made explicit by the author, it is not up to us to demean it by uncertainty.
Nor should we allow in the judgement of others who are unskilled at deciphering, or know little context.

It is--I am--We are--and as to clarification or explanation--none is needed.

We stand as we are
and by our very being
express volumes.

Don't make a Cliff Notes version of yourself. Be beautifully undeclared.

If they don't want to plumb your depths (and find the gold) let them close the book of their own accord.