Thursday, October 12, 2023

Meeting the world with Grace

We are not always gifted foresight about a situation or about the direction of our lives. And then sometimes we are. A dream, a premonition, a flash of hope in a promising magazine image, a word sprung on us from a neighbor walking by. Whatever it may be, however it may seem, we are guided or attract the very circumstances in our lives that are for our growth and awakening.

We are magnetically brought to and directed by our Higher Self, spirit world, our conscience, our ancestors, God, the universe, angels, however you want to describe them, every day. We may not know the names of them, their faces, or even be able to differentiate them in a book. Yet they are with us nevertheless, guiding us, nudging us to take action, with thoughts and insights that prove their accuracy in time. With patience all becomes clear. Why we chose this road and not that, and then circling around, we find we did not miss an opportunity, but now the road is open, where before it was closed for construction.

There is a construction site and a school going on in our lives every day, every minute. I believe these forces work closely with us to try to refine our lives, to be in line with the purpose we came here on earth to accomplish. That being said, there are certain people we are meant and arranged to meet at certain significant times to bolster some awareness, some path we are destined to travel. Whether they are the final resting place, or an Inn on the side of the road, we are grateful. For every friend, every relationship, every job is a teaching in how we can better meet the world with grace.